Tuesday 19 February 2013

Miss Koovagam: Eunuch Beauty Contest India

The Koovagam Festival, the annual gathering of eunuchs near Villupuram in Tamil Nadu, attracted nationwide attention. Miss Koovagam, a beauty contest reserved for its Indian eunuchs. The village of Koovagam is considered the mecca of the class: every year 50 thousand geldings go there for the holidays.

More than 2000 transgenders participated in the Miss Koovagam 2009 competition. Selection was on the basis of their personality, HIV/AIDS knowledge, social concern and their services delivered to their community. The three winners were given the title of Miss Koovagam, second and third respectively with a cash prize of Rs 4000,Rs 3000 and Rs 2000.
Two transgenders from Chennai, Priya and Lalitha stood second and third in the Miss Koovagam 2009 contest held at Villupuram on Tuesday. Rekha from Madurai came first in the beauty contest organised by ARM, a non-profitable, non-governmental organization working for the past 13 years in the field of STI/HIV/AIDS along with APAC,VHS-USAID. The idea behind the competition was to imbibe self esteem in transgenders and to encourage the community to create a platform to express their knowledge ,skills and talents in arts and culture.

Monday 18 February 2013

Touching 1000 Girls' Boobs In Public - Full Version

This Description is Taken from Authors Youtube Official Video

The author's intention is to inform people of freedom people have in a post communist society, not to provide sexual arousal.

How To Touch 1000 Pairs of Boobs In Public & Only Get 1 Slap @1:57
http://www.songwriter.org.uk/ Support PUSSY RIOT: 2 Yrs Jail 4 Peaceful Anti Putin Protest
DO NOT leave vulgar,lewd,sexually explicit or insulting comments.
This video is about a light hearted funny prank where permission was obtained from all girls who participated. All girls who agreed to be touched are above the age of consent. The video is NOT the work of the porn industry and in NO WAY suggests that it's ok to walk up to any girl and touch her boobs or any other body parts WITHOUT permission. WARNING: Apart from badly upsetting somebody, to try this WITHOUT full consent from the girl involved would be a serious offence, possibly resulting in a criminal conviction and being listed in a sex offender's register.

This vid was made as an election stunt in Moscow. Praise should go to the camera team who persevered to complete a simple, but entertaining social experiment. They had to get past 7000 rejections. The lucky Russian guy who did the touching, Sam Nickel, then shook hands with a criminal called Vladimir Putin to "zap him with power to get re-elected".

Russians were unhappy with the blatantly rigged outcome of these "elections" Many protested in Moscow at the start of Dec 2011. Peaceful protesters were brutally beaten up by Russian riot police. This new undemocratic government does not allows people the same freedom they enjoyed when this video was made. Russian government has even arrested three girls from a punk band Pussy Riot for writing politically motivated songs. They have been in jail for six months.

There are plenty of frantic debates over this video for example:

Beautiful Indian Tribal Woman Smiling Innocently